What is the best digital marketing strategy for an SME?

If we want to increase our chances of success with our marketing strategy , we cannot have simplistic and/or single-channel approaches. That is to say: Something relatively common in SMEs is that they tend to opt for optimizing their presence in their “preferred” channel and practically ignoring the rest. I understand that it depends on the experience of the team that manages it, but it is curious to see how this is repeated. In the same way, we should not bet on volume or segmentation strategies. In both cases, the most appropriate response to obtain the best results is to define the most appropriate combination, for that company, of the different media or strategies. But what happens? 

What can a company with limited resources do to improve marketing results?

In previous articles I talked about the need for SMEs to find a way to attract their customers instead of going looking for them through relevance marketing. Marketing in which a powerful brand purpose makes up for the lack of budget to generate traffic volume. The reality is that SMEs, especially small and micro businesses, will never have enough budget to impact a top industry data representative part of their audience . So what can they do? The key is to look for volume in a digital channel and complement it with the rest Given the impossibility of implementing a complete marketing strategy in which we combine volume and segmentation actions in all channels, we must focus on trying to dominate the most appropriate channel for our company.

What is the best digital marketing strategy for an SME?

Following the reasoning that I have presented to you, and without going into too much detail so as not to extend too much, I believe that the best BJ Leads combination of means is the following: Traffic generation channels: content (SEO and social networks). Conversion channels: email marketing and Google Ads (if we are in B2B or in high-priced products in B2C, a small call center can make a difference). That is, a strategy based on the generation of content and the optimization of its visibility both in search engines and on social networks. Supported by two channels that transform that initial interest into search engines and on the web (for those who have shown greater interest and left their email).

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