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That is, this figure increases with age. Therefore, if HR nees a wise leader, Compass for HR CFO soft skills model. Part 1 11/27/2017 The figure of the financial director in any company is one of the central ones. But finding such a specialist, and even more so a good one, is a real headache for HR and recruiters. In our next two articles, we will write about the model of flexible competencies of a financial director, develope by an expert in the field of soft skills Vasily Pigin, CEO of TTISI Russia.

Vasily Pigin Vasily Pigin Is The Ceo

Of human talent operators TTI SUCCESS INSIGHTS in Russia, PhD in Economics, an expert in the field of soft skills. “To understand this issue, I had to turn to research and to my own experience over the past 15 years,” says Vasily Pigin. What were Brazil WhatsApp Number List these studies? 354 job requirements profiles were create in order to determine what qualities a person should have who will hold the position of financial director. Each profile was compile by an average of 7 experts. In total, we have accumulate about 2400 questionnaires that we have processe.

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Thus on the basis of research, Vasily compile a list of 14 soft-skills necessary for a financial director. This list, in turn, was divide into 3 categories 8 personality skills 3 behavioral characteristics 3 motivational characteristics In this article, we will take a BJ Leads closer look at the first category – 8 personal skills of a successful financial director. free master class Physiognomy for HR managers and recruiters principles and practice of application What personal skills to look for when looking for a financial director self-organization.

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