They Say That While A Person

Why in the age of digital technologies, when the world uses big-data and develops the potential of blockchain, companies are looking for specialists with a certain set of soft skills along with hard skills, and not exclusively with professional skills? is studying at a university, knowlege becomes outdate in 5 years. You know, it’s not true. The fact is that when a person enters a university, the knowlege that will be given to him there is already outdate.

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Well as you understand, this new one is unlikely to immeiately appear on the bookshelves of supermarkets or, moreover, in eucational programs. Therefore, the only way to maintain leadership in your field, to be competitive, is to run Bosnia and Herzegovina WhatsApp Number List even faster than others. And this can be done by developing soft skills. For example, you can teach yourself to learn or develop the ability to analyze, etc. Today, it is wrong to say that the development of technology has reuce the importance of “flexible” skills.

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Every Day Something New Happens

After all working with new initiatives requires a special approach. Let’s remember about the theory of generations . For example, there are so-calle Z-s, which are now about 20 years old. Do you know how these people differ from us? From BJ Leads the X’s that I belong to? At one time we memorize, learne to work with information, read books. Because it was quite difficult to seek knowlege. Z-s say, why would I study something by heart.

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