This Is Where The List Of Personal Qualities

Ability to solve problems The ability to anticipate, analyze, diagnose and achieve resolution of those complex problems or problems that arise. This is a skill that is base on the application of certain management methods and problem solving. 6. Planning and organization In some ways, this skill is similar to the first one – self-organization. The difference is that in this case we are talking about managing not only our own tasks, but also the work of those around us. This is such an upgrade of self-organization.

This Skill Is Last

On the list, but its value should not be ignore and underestimate. It is often referre to as resilience. All people are alive, including financial directors, and nothing human is alien to them. But the difference is that a specialist in such a position must Bulgaria WhatsApp Number List quickly recover and not lose the ability to make effective decisions after any negative impact. of a financial specialist propose by Vasily Pigin ends. It is clear that in working with people it is impossible to completely trust some guidelines and find a person who will 100% correspond to the ideal formula.

WhatsApp Mobile Number List

Resistance To External Influences

But it is never superfluous to have a reference point at hand that will help you make a decision when recruiting. And in the next article, we will talk about the remaining 6 soft skills that successful financial directors have. Compass for HR CFO BJ Leads soft skills model. Part 2 11/27/2017 In the last article, we reviewe 8 soft skills, base on which HRs and recruiters can optimize the search for a financial director. All of them concerne the personal qualities of a person.

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