Tag: WhatsApp Mobile Number List

  • Get your first job after studying at DTS PROA

    Alan Kurniadi’s story: Getting his first Android developer job after graduating from the DTS PROA Android program In August 2021, Indonesia’s open unemployment rate reached 6.46%, or 1.82 million people. (Indonesia Center for Economic Reform (CORE), 2021) Alan Kurniadi (30) is one of nearly 2 million Indonesians who fall into the above-mentioned openly unemployed category.…

  • A new type of phishing that exploits

    Pop-ups: A new type of phishing that looks like pop-up login windows It’s pretty bad because it looks very similar to the browser’s usual pop-up display window. The window can even be styled to look similar to browser windows in several popular operating systems (OS). Where is the danger? If the victim does not know…

  • Backend developerWhat is a backend developer

    To make it easier to understand the backend, let’s discuss the frontend first, as both are very familiar terms. The front end is the part of the application that end users see and use directly. People who work in this field are called front-end developers. Applications created by front-end developers can be web, mobile native,…

  • The DevOps Engineer is responsible

    For the process of designing, developing, and creating solutions to problems that frequently arise between development and operations teams. Why Choose DevOps Engineer . DevOps practice started in 2007 with Patrick Debois (Development Consultant) aiming to learn all aspects of IT. He was disturbed by the differences in how development and operations teams worked. Patrick…

  • To be able to do these things requires large

    amounts of data, which will later be used as a knowledge base so that the system can learn better. In this process, artificial intelligence will learn to enrich its own knowledge independently. It studies the user experience when using a system. Additionally, he is programmed to correct himself when he makes a mistake. Broadly speaking,…

  • Code review as part of white box testing

    black box testing For example, when reviewing a web application, you can record work process, Use a proxy (e.g. z  burp) to observe network traffic from browser to server, ETC. If you want to dive into black-box testing (especially when testing web applications), there are several popular methods you can learn. OWASP Web Application Testing…

  • If this persistent threat modeling model becomes

    application development, it will be able to assist with the automated testing activities and security reviews that are conducted. system code. There are several ways to conduct white-box security testing. For example, you can do static code analysis, which is using a tool to analyze your code and tell it what vulnerabilities it can detect.…

  • Security testing such as white box and black box

    Just as there are white box and black box methods for code testing. There are also white box and black box methods for security testing. The white-box approach assumes that the tester has access to the code being test so that he can analyze the code. Meanwhile, the black-box approach tests the system from the…

  • Personalization of marketing messages may concern

    Saying “we are introducing marketing automation. We can simply talk about automating part of marketing activities or about using and implementing special software. In the article. I focus on dedicated. Systems and their use in order to personalize communication with customers and build. Positive experiences with the brand on its basis. Dedicated tools for conducting…

  • Like the previous free tools

    Spelling source ortograf In addition, he analyzes the content in terms of punctuation, phonetic, lexical and syntactic correctness. It also analyzes the correctness of spelling with the particle “nie” and the use of idioms. . The correctness of texts is monitored on an ongoing basis – Language Tool Language Tool is a plug-in that you…

  • Indexnow adapting with the latest

    Outbound marketing can include many different forms of advertising. Including TV commercials, radio, print, email marketing, search engine advertising. And social mia advertising. HubSpot is one of the most popular outbound marketing tools. That helps businesses create effective marketing campaigns. HubSpot offers a wide range of tools for creating and managing outbound campaigns, including authoring…

  • Local seo video and image search

    UTM parameters are us to track website traffic, including page views, clicks, conversions, and more. Salesforce Marketing Cloud also allows you to create reports that help you evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. These reports include information on page views, clicks, conversions, and more. Users can also create their own reports to better understand…