Flexible money Most of the bonus schemes introduce by Russian companies are multicomponent in one company, both complex bonus programs and the simplest bonuses for current activities can coexist. the presence of a bottom-up system in a company does not prevent the use of a distribution scheme. “For different categories of employees in one organization, completely different bonus systems can be applie. One is being develope for specialists, another for workers, and a third for top management,” says Tatyana Lobanova, partner.
Of Companies It All Depends
On which element of the employee’s work is important for the company.” Thus, bonuses for current activities are convenient for employees whose personal effectiveness does not directly affect the performance of the company. For example, accountants and loaders. But it makes no Georgia WhatsApp Number List sense to apply this scheme as the only one for employees of profit centers top managers, leading specialists, sales managers . For them, bonus schemes or bonuses for achieving results are just right. The same approach is use when determining the nominal base share of the variable part in relation to the salary.
Of The Top Management Consult Group
Those who work “for the process” should have higher salaries,” says Alla Mironova. “Those who work “for the result” should have a high variable part.” The increase in the variable part can also be use as a tool for achieving tactical goals. For example, if a company is going to make a breakthrough and BJ Leads catch up with competitors, quick results are important. It is possible to stimulate their achievement just by increasing the share of bonus payments and, accordingly, salary prospects.