Simone Cornia and Brand values

Simone Cornia and Brand values 16 questions to learn the secrets of the web. Experts, professionals and innovators reveal the tricks of the trade Consultant and trainer , Simone Cornia talks to us about the values ​​of the brand by answering 16 questions.

Reference professional within Studio GR . Analysis and Development of Human Resources an agency specializing in training and strategic consultancy for companies , Simone follows entrepreneurs in the different phases of personal and business growth.

Briefly introduce yourself who are you What job do you do

From personal coaching to sales techniques to business management assistance ; a job developed day by day alongside entrepreneurs. The objective is clear: to accompany companies in realizing their vision. Briefly introduce yourself: who are you? What job do you do? I am Simone Cornia, senior consultant and trainer for Studio GR, for over 25 years. I support europe email list entrepreneurs in growing their companies, working in particular on human resources .

What are the most important aspects of your job

europe email list

What are the most important aspects of your job? Attention to the human aspect, self-esteem and communication are at the center of my work. Which must be accompanied by a strong strategic agreement and the sharing of objectives . Only in this way is it possible to help
BJ Leads entrepreneurs work on themselves and realize the vision. I work on myself first, to be an ethical, reliable and credible presence for entrepreneurs and collaborators.

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