what it is and how it works

Tiktok: what it is and how it works what has been the evolution of social media and .What will be the future trends and prospects for companies? With over 1 billion monthly active users globally , ranks seventh in the ranking of the social networks with the most users, drawn up by we are social for 2021. A survey conducted in 8 countries (united states, canada, spain, france. Italy, indonesia, united kingdom and germany) revealed that 35% of people surveyed have. Abandoned television since downloading.

What is and what are its strengths

These are just some of the data collected over the past year, which explain. The evident influence and success of the platform. But what are the trends that will characterize .The future of tiktokers and companies that decide to dive into this app.What is tiktok and what are its strengths is the social network that allows users to create short-term creative videos. Ranging from one theme asia email list to another. Based on the content being viewed and each individual’s interests and tastes, it uses artificial intelligence. To create a personalized feed for each user.

the characterizing elements

asia email list

Launched in 2016 under the name Musical.ly, the Chinese Gen Z social network became  after its acquisition by. Today it is the first non-gaming social network not owned by Zuckerberg to have achieved 3 billion downloads internationally . This speaks volumes about the BJ Leads continued growth and popularity of the platform .Another key element is the democratization of published material , as Cassandra Tan explains in the Ta report “ Social Media Trends in 2022 “With there is a seamless transition from views to creations. There is no “formula” for publishing “the right thing”. Much about meeting certain standards. Anyone can be a creator or a trendsetter. With this democratization, content becomes more hyperlocal and thrives on being, as Indonesians would say fun, irreverent, quickly usable.”


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