Prepare fully configurable rules

Prepare fully accrue from the date of transfer of the funds until their return. Calculate as for tax arrears, is add to the base value of the correction mistake Summary. The most common mistakes relate to the award of public procurement. The most common mistakes include: artificial division of the order, shortening the deadlines for submitting offers, incorrect application of offer evaluation criteria, imprecise description of the subject of the order, application of discriminatory and competition-restricting grounds, introducing unauthorize modifications, incorrect publication of orders or no order publishd. When does the Intermeiate Body impose a financial correction.

Offer them complementary

The financial correction and the decision to refund the funds are impose by the Intermdiate Body. It must demonstrate a causal link between the identifie violation of law and potential or actual damage to the EU budget. Therefore, it is obligatory to carry Photo Retouching out such an operational and thought process that will allow to present a logical sequence of events, initially indicating a violation of the law, and ending with the possibility of financing or financing of an unjustifie expenditure from the EU budget. Irregularities may be detecte both during ongoing verification of submitte payment applications and during inspections, including inspections after the completion of the project.

Their sales preferences

Investment aid enabling enterprises to apply standards that are stricter than EU standards in the field of environmental protection or to increase the level of environmental protection in the absence of EU standards is a special type of public aid. An investment BJ Leads eligible for aid should meet one of the following conditions: enable activities to increase the level of environmental protection through the application of standards that are stricter than EU standards, regardless of the existence of existing national standards that are stricter than EU standards; enable an increase in the level of environmental protection as a result of business activities in the absence of EU standards.

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