Partner with an established co-host

Finally, if you have industry connections, you Partner with may be able to start a podcast with a co-host who already has some kind of following (Instagram, email list, etc.). You probably won’t be able to get people with a lot of followers, but this can give you a great launchpad. The important thing is to make it just as valuable to the next person. Then you may offer to do most of the work. For example, when the Marketing School podcast was born, one of the hosts had much more followers than the other hosts, so the host with fewer followers did much of the work, such as coming up with episode topics and publishing episodes. Suggested to do most of it. , write show notes.

Invite large Partner with caliber guests

This format works well because it’s free to the guest audience industry email list  and provides listeners with fascinating new insights. Podcasts like the Tim Ferriss Show and the JoeRogan Experience are structured in this format, and it works very well. Although you may not be able to find the caliber of their guests, you can probably connect with mainstream industry influencers in your niche. The topics for the podcasts you generate are usually based on the expertise of your guests, so do your research beforehand. However, the structure is completely up to you.

industry email list

provide practical advice

Another great way to generate podcast topics Bj Leads is to offer advice about current issues in your industry or problems you’re solving in your own life or company. For example, Russell Brunson started Marketing in Your Car. This is essentially a platform to discuss his own marketing-related learnings and challenges. These episodes could be marketing lessons he learned through life or data-driven lessons. sauce These topics are only of interest to people who are familiar with Russell, so if you’re planning a show like this, it’s important to have an existing audience.

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