5 Key Elements of a Killer LinkedIn Summary

Even as it enters its second decade, LinkedIn remains one of the most popular sites not only for job hunting and recruitment but also for professional social networking.

When you’re looking for a job or even just promoting brand ‘you’, it’s important to have a killer profile and summary. At any time, a potential employer could ‘drop by’ your digital CV and check you out or a recruiter could see you’re the perfect candidate for a new role.

Let’s look at 5 simple ways to create a LinkedIn summary that rocks (and we’ve also included some hacks at the end)!

Focus on Accomplishments

Focusing on your key accomplishments is a good idea no matter what your field, background, or interests – why? Because employers want to see proof of what you can actually do, not just what you say. But you still should try to frame it in a unique way.

Here’s an example of a boring LinkedIn lead summary:

“I’m a graphic designer who has built 20 websites.”

A better one would be something like: “I’m a graphic artist with extensive experience in print and digital marketing. I’ve helped (x) brands with major campaigns such as …”

Get Personal

If you’re really looking to get people’s attention in an industry that’s focused on creativity or storytelling (for instance), you may want to consider opening with an interesting personal statement that shows off your storytelling or writing skills BJ Leads launch it on the Apple Store.

The function of the app is simple – it allows users to view live pictures from family and friends from an iPhone’s home screen. Users can invite and add contacts and then add the app’s widget to a phone. The app will show the photos of contacts as they add images during the day. 

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