Introduce A Rule Always Give Priority To Internal

Describe there the proceure for posting vacancies and processing applications from employees who responde to them. Acquaint all personnel responsible for the selection process with the order against signature this can be not only HR, but also heads of departments, if they themselves select their subordinates . 3. candidates If, for example, the internal and external candidates have equal competencies, then the first one gets the job. This rule will work automatically if all vacancies are first poste on the internal portal.

The External Market Is Entere Only

Set the deadline for internal selection in a directive it can be specifie in the same order. On the operation of the portal . Example In Atlas Copco, the internal site contains information Kenya WhatsApp Number List about vacancies. That appear in all departments of the company, including regional ones see screenshot . Any vacancy, up to the position of general manager, hangs on the corporate website for two weeks and nowhere else. Any employee already working in the company can respond to it. All you nee to do is submit an application.

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It Is Not Possible To Find A Suitable Candidate

It must be written in it why the employee wants to take the position and what skills he has for this. Then he is interviewe by an HR manager and a future leader. A vacancy announcement is publishe on external resources only if a worthy candidate is not found among its employees in two weeks. Three nuances to BJ Leads consider when creating an internal job market Make sure that the job market fulfills its purpose, and does not reuce the motivation of employees to build a career within the company.

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