In this Red Cross spot a girl dreams of a white Christmas

It doesn’t matter that in some latitudes it is almost summer or that due to climate change snow is also conspicuous by its absence in the northern hemisphere, we all invariably fantasize about a white Christmas when December appears around the corner. A beautiful (but dark) spot launched in the United States by the Red Cross revolves around the strong desire for snow that grips people during this time of year.

The advertisement focuses on a girl

Wishes with all her might that it snows top industry data on Christmas. One fateful morning his dream seems to have come true, but when he runs out of his house to enjoy the snowfall he discovers that the “snowflakes” he saw from the window are actually ashes from a fire that took place in a house. neighboring house. Red Cross concludes the spot , whose somber twist contrasts with the jubilant narrative of other Christmas ads, reminding the viewer that disasters unfortunately do not take vacations . And fortunately for the victims, the Red Cross services are always operational.

Christmas ads have all become too predictable

The Division 7 production company and BJ Leads the director Matt Spicer , the ad will air on television across the pond and also on the streaming video platforms Hulu, NBCU and Roku. The spot will also appear as a “pre-roll” advertisement on other online channels. “Christmas ads have all become too predictable ,” says Roberto Danino, SVP creative director of BBDO New York. «Consequently, the story has become accustomed to beautiful winter stories, generally starring children, with a melancholic acoustic guitar as a backdrop. “We wanted to play with people’s expectations and surprise the viewer by reminding them that not all Christmas stories are the same and encouraging them to make donations to those who suffer disasters during this time of year,” adds Danino.

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