How am I going to grow several sales channels in parallel for my online store

How am I going to grow several sales channels in parallel for my online store.At the moment, investment in Facebook Ads with conversion . Therefore, campaigns is already showing the first results. This will not be quick and you have to have a little patience but for now they are already. Therefore, recovering ground in the online store channel. This is all for now. I’ll let you know how this progresses.

The evolution of the sales channels of my How am I going to grow

How am I going to grow several sales channels in parallel  for my online store.At first we acquired parts industry email list through Wallapop and then converted these sellers into customers. Especially. Therefore, the first month, the vast majority of sales came from there. In the second month, what has grown the most has been the online store . It is thanks to the traffic generated through promoted. Therefore, Facebook posts that it had already reached a critical mass. In the third month Ebay works very well for us .

How am I going to achieve parallel parallel for my online store.

This is not going to  be an easy task but it can be achieved. This is the plan I have to BJ Leads achieve it: Assign a team leader for each channel and set monthly billing objectives. Start investing more seriously in online advertising such as Google. Review sacred tasks to make sure they are actually being carried out as they should. 

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