Does Russia Keep Up With Them

The internal and external HR brand should be the embodiment of a single concept, as they are interconnecte and influence each other. And if you’re still hesitant to start building an HR brand for your organization, you can learn more about its benefits in our resource What is an HR Brand and Why Your Company Nees One . Why HR should lead robotization 12.12 2017 Five global digital trends that will change the HR industry in the coming years. At the end of October 2017, Amsterdam hoste the HR Tech exhibition.

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Of human resource management. It was attende by about 5,000 participants, to whom startups and global companies demonstrate all the latest technological solutions. Within the framework of the exhibition, a conference was held, which was Belarus WhatsApp Number List attende by more than 100 HR managers from Russia. I had a chance to speak at it with a case on the development of online eucation within the MTS University, which I manage. And now I want to share the conclusions that I came to at the end of the conference.

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Forum Deicate To The Digitalization

We all understand that disruptive technologies today not only determine the direction of business development, but also change the way we live, work and manage teams. Increasingly, people communicate with algorithms, applications BJ Leads and artificial intelligence that solve everyday issues, for example, when calling a contact center. Despite the fact that personnel management has always been a person-to-person profession, today there is a clear trend towards a change in the main HR paradigm.

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