By Agreement With The Management Of The Accounting

These were tests in two sections General questions of the organization of accounting and document management. Questions about the specialization of each unit. department, the specialization check was carrie out in the following areas property accounting issues of accounting for fixe assets goods accounting income accounting cost accounting payroll accounting Test card The online testing mode allowe to significantly save time on organizing and conducting preparatory work, collecting and processing results. “The Finassessment service made it possible to check the competencies of specialists from two cities online at the same time and quickly move on to further work.” Analysis of the results.

Test Results In The Form

Of detaile charts with data in the context of each subtopic of the test. Their interpretation and analysis for the customer company was performe by an expert reviewer. The reviewer was Natalya Anatolyevna Ostapyuk, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Certifie Auditor and Expert Uruguay WhatsApp Number List Practitioner. She processe the results obtaine and base on them wrote a detaile review, which containe not only an assessment of the professional level of the teste, but also the rationale for the possible reasons for such results, as well as recommendations for improving the qualifications of specialists.

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The Finassessment Service Provides

Scale of test results low level – up to of correct answers. Indicates that the employee answere most of the questions incorrectly. According to the reviewer, this may be due to psychological unwillingness to undergo testing-base control. It also indicates an urgent nee for professional development BJ Leads  of the employee. the average level is from – of correct answers. This level corresponds to sufficient knowlege of the employee to perform job duties. Depending on the type of incorrect answers, it requires periodic training to improve work efficiency. high level – from – correct answers.

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