A Very Strong Internal Conflict Arose

Those are the cases when the employee for some reason did not get along with the leader in character. Or even not in character, but simply did not work out. This often happens when the leader changes. In the absence of objective reasons for dissatisfaction, a discrepancy occurs at some human, biochemical level. Practice. Again the women’s story it just so happene that more women come to us. Olga worke in a pharmaceutical company in the marketing department. For many years she reporte and reporte directly to the head office in Germany, and everything was great.

Until The Company Decide

A regional leader They took a girl for the position, let’s call her Svetlana, and somehow it immeiately became clear that Sveta did not like Olga she felt a competitor. Yes, and Olga herself could not find a common language with Sveta she was use to Ecuador WhatsApp Number List reporting globally and internally did not recognize Svetlana as a leader. very strong internal conflict  on both sides, and this despite the fact that formally there were no problems at work. Sveta began to poison Olga with nit-picking, a bad attitude, and began to turn the team against her.

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To Change The Structure And Appointe

Also realizing that Olga is in good standing with global leaders, and her departure could give rise to a number of questions, Sveta began writing bad reviews about Olga to the head office in advance. Nobody really began to understand it there the BJ Leads employee pulle before, but now he doesn’t pull it – well, it happens. Olga, knowing that she is a good professional, did not fight for a place, but entere the market and almost immeiately receive several offers from companies ready to take her with open arms.

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