The bailiffs profession is currently regulatby two acts on court bailiffs of March and on bailiff costs of February . According to the regulations to become a bailiff you must have Polish citizenship be at least years old have full legal capacity be of impeccable character not be punishfor a crime or fiscal offence not be suspectof a crime prosecutby public prosecution or a fiscal crime have mental and physical ability to work as a bailiff complete higher law studies in the recognizin the country have a masters degree in law complete a bailiff apprenticeship pass the bailiff exam work as a bailiff assessor for at least years.
Republic of Poland or foreign studies
Recruitment for bailiff training takes place every years. To join it you must first pass a competitive exam which takes place every year. Its date is set by the Minister of Justice. The bailiff application exam takes the form of a test and consists of questions. answer at least of them correctly. The questions concern various areas of law and the system of courts and bailiffs self government. From the date of announcement of the results you will Finland Email List have years to apply for entry on the list of bailiff trainees at the Council of the Chamber of Bailiffs. The bailiff application also lasts years.
To get a positive result you must
During this time you will acquire knowledge and skills that will enable you to become a bailiff and run your own law firm. After completing the application you can take the bailiff exam . It consists of a written and oral part. and involves developing topics relatto enforcement activities. The oral part tests candidates knowledge of the law the system of common Finland WhatsApp Number courts the provisions of court enforcement and the performance of bailiff activities. Sample exam tasks can be found at this link . However passing the exam alone is not enough to become a bailiff. For this purpose you must first work as a bailiff assessor for at least years .