Private profile looks unprofessional

What mistakes should you avoid when asking about the recruitment result. You now know how to ask about the recruitment result and whether it is worth calling the recruiter. Nevertheless you must be careful because not all behavior will be. Therefore see what not to do if you want to find a job quickly . Dont show negative emotions. Waiting for a long time for an answer when the ground is burning under your feet is never pleasant. Its no wonder you may feel angry or frustrated. Unfortunately revealing these emotions in official correspondence is a bad idea. The recruiter may get the impression that you are rude and unprofessional and no one wants to work with such people.

Acceptable from the employers point of view

Therefore you should formulate your question about the recruitment result in such a way that no one has any doubts that they are dealing with a nice and cultured person. Dont accuse the recruiter of being late in responding Nobody likes to feel pressure. Remember that the lack of a response is not always the recruiters fault and does not necessarily Optometrist Accurate Email List indicate a negative recruitment result. In large companies many people are involved in the recruitment process and each of them must have time to formulate an opinion. Sometimes recruitment is suspended for internal reasons in the company change in budget or strategy return of an old employee etc.

Job Function Email list

Candidacy unless Private profile looks you have clear

The recruiter via social media As you know recruiters like to track and search for candidates via social media LinkedIn . You may even have contacted the company this way yourself. But if you have already been interviewed you should contact the employer officially i.e. by email. Inundating the recruiter with messages on hisĀ  and somehow forces a response Switzerland Email List during his free time.. Do not discuss the rejection of yourreasons for it A negative recruitment result is usually not worth discussing. Disputing it explaining that you had a bad day during the interview and asking which candidate was better than you is unprofessional and usually brings no benefits.

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