Functions Of Assessment Centers

Qualification assessment centers for auditors, accountants and other specialists in the financial and economic sphere contribute to the creation of a transparent qualification assessment proceure that guarantees confirmation of the specialist’s competencies to the specifie requirements and standards. The functions of the CSC are designe to perform providing specialists with information about the algorithm and rules for passing an independent assessment performing assessments in accordance with the rules and regulations of professional organizations and standards processing and provision of data on the results.

Of Qualification Assessment

For further use issuance of certificates of professional qualification to applicants in case of successful passing the exam. Other proficiency assessment organizations are designe to help professionals confirm competencies. And employers to ascertain the professionalism of the applicant or the ability Angola Email List of staff to perform work in a particular area. Types of qualification assessment qualification assessment centers for accountants and auditors In the Russian Feeration, the assessment of the qualifications of accountants and auditors is carrie out in specialize centers.

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Their Transfer To Professional Organizations

In Ukraine, the proceure for testing specialists is prescribe by a number of regulations. But the ultimate goal and format of the test is determine by the management of the employing company. In Kazakhstan, qualifications are confirme by specialize accreite professional organizations – a specialist must BJ Leads pass an exam. And receive a certificate of a professional accountant certifying his qualifications. A candidate for obtaining such a certificate must confirm their knowlege in the following disciplines. Accounting in accordance with international financial reporting standards.

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