8 alternatives to tracking cookies


What happened in these first months with the new legislation on privacy and cookies? What are the solutions for collecting data without third-party cookies. 59 % of consumers worldwide say they have become more protective of their data . 71 % of countries have data protection and privacy legislation in place .The management of personal data by companies is of increasing importance. Both to ensure compliance with regulations and to have the information necessary to meet customer needs. Until recently this aspect was also managed thanks to cookies. The end of their use, however, has opened up new scenarios.

What are cookies 8 alternatives cookies

For some months now, companies have been adapting to this condition, designing and building models to obtain first-party data. An approach that will continue throughout 2022. So what can we do to make up for the absence of cookies? Let’s see together some suggestions from IAPP , the International Association of Privacy Professionals. What are cookies. These are small strings of code created by servers and sent to users’ browsers or used on websites. As we well know, their purpose is africa email list or rather, was 8 alternatives cookies to collect data. Useful data to create statistics on the use of the web and help on the one hand to profile the public and on the other to offer a better browsing experience to people.

Cookie Policy

africa email list

Cookie Policy 2022

”. How does all this translate into BJ Lead practice? Prohibition of use of boxes with pre-selected cookies . The scroll-down cannot be used for the implicit acquisition of consent. It is not possible to prevent users from accessing content if they have not accepted cookies.. Show cookies on the user’s first visit via banner. Addition of link with the cookie policy. Allow the user to choose which cookies to accept. Give the possibility to modify, at any time 8 alternatives cookies the choices made. Light up your brand. Let’s talk about.

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