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Examples of specific queries to ChatGPT are Examples of clear and specific prompts that ChatGPT itself points to. Request data in table form ChatGPT is able to create text messages, but we can ask it to present them in table form. How to do it? Add sentences to the prompt Present the data in table form. The result of communication with ChatGPT in table form. Take care of the style of your content With a little careful guidance, you can transform ChatGPT’s no-nonsense and somewhat boring style and tone into something much more interesting like the style of your favorite book author or blog. You can choose, for example, the simple language and style of Ernest Hemingway, Shakespeare or Małgorzata Musierowicz. The end results are not as good as the authors themselves, but they allow for more creative results. Do you want to improve the visibility of your website on Google? BET ON POSITIONING.

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Add length limits for the responses you get It often happens that the length of a ChatGPT response knows no limits, but you just nea short and worthwhile paragraph on a specific topic. You can Nigeria TG Number Data ask Chat to prepare a response of a specific number of characters. If the prompt doesn’t work the first time, wait until the tool creates the original text and then tell it to make changes, such as shortening the content to the desirlength. In the same way you can get other information, e.g. a certain number of tips. A practical message to use is, for example Shorten your to characters with spaces.

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Give us tips to increase your website conversion rate. A message that tells the tool that a certain number of tips are expect. Tell ChatGPT who your target audience is How to write better ChatGPT prompts? One Nigeria WhatsApp Number of the rules worth following is to inform the tool who your target group is and who you are sending your message to. This information may affect the style and language usby ChatGPT and the level of complexity of the information provid.

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