This form of cooperation is us in both

Moreover when concluding a bb contract it does not matter what the legal status of the parties to the cooperation is they can be capital companies jointstock companies partnerships or run a sole proprietorship. vertical marketing between companies from different industries and horizontal marketing between companies from the same industry. Marketing on the other hand involves selling products and services to other enterprises not to individual customers business to client bb cooperation what does it look likewith them in the bb model. Of course in order to conclude bb contracts you must have or establish a business register in ceidg central registration and information on economic activity or krs national court register .

The case of an employment

In the case of bb cooperation as part of a sole proprietorship such an arrangement is often call selfemployment the other party to the contract while paying you remuneration does not have to pay zus or sickness insurance contributions. If you want to Fast Food Email List work in this form you you will have to settle accounts with the office every month. You will also not have a pension contribution paid which is paid by the employer in contract. At the beginning of your business for the first months you will not have to pay zus contributions because you are eligible for the socall startup relief. For the next months years your contributions may be ruc but this depends on your income.

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This obligation rests This form of cooperation with

When establishing bb cooperation you will not have any employee rights because the labor code only applies to those employ under an employment contract. This means among other things no paid holiday leave maternity leave or other such benefits. You will also not be affect by the national minimum wage regulations because the remuneration is determin by Canada Phone Number List both parties to the contract and the payer is not oblig to pay the minimum wage applicable in a given country. Also take into account that entrepreneurs who cooperate with sole proprietors sometimes decide on an hourly rate with bb you will also have to settle taxes yourself.

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