If you don’t have the time to respond to messages

  • If you don’t have the time to respond to messages from social pages. If you have no idea who your audience is. If you are completely unfamiliar with the promotional operations of these platforms. Contact us. We will find the right strategy together.
  • Italian e -commerce is one of the markets with the greatest potential. Yet penetration on the overall market is still very far from other northern european countries. However. T

The 2019 report by casaleggio associati

companies themselves increase their value. The 2019 report by casaleggio associati analyzes the key aspects and factors that investors and entrepreneurs must take into account to increase the value of companies and sales on the web. All the data presented refers to the italian business to consumer market. The companies analyzed concern the following latest database sectors: food. Consumer electronics. Insurance. Fashion. Home and furniture. Health and beauty. Online shopping centres.

latest database

Publishing and tourism

  • Publishing and tourism. It was found that in 2018. 40% of the world’s population made an online purchase and it is estimated that by 2022. Online shoppers will reach 3.20 billion.
  • For 2019. A production of 342 billion euros is expected. 18% of companies sell online. While 16% receive orders from third-party sites or apps. Specifically. In italy. 62% of the population buys online. In particular using BJ Leads  smartphones. Among marketing activities . Keyword advertising continues to attract the majority of investments

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