How to do Email Marketing Automation for SMEs | 4 Profitable Practices

How to do Email Marketing Automation for SMEs | 4 Profitable Practices. Automation allows us to free up time and invest it in functions that offer greater profitability. There are tools that can do a series of repetitive tasks for us. Geni Ramos tells us how the process works at PRO marketing DAY.Geni is an Automation specialist and Infusionsoft Certified Partner. If you were one of the attendees of the event. You can see the full video along with the others in the private area of ​​the congress.

How to measure the interaction of your contacts ( Lead Scoring )

How to measure the interaction of your contacts ( Lead Scoring ). Many companies do not know how active their databases are , how much their subscribers interact, whether they open their emails or visit their website. As we know, capturing leads is only the first step of a strategy aimed at other types of conversions. There is a long email contact list path in which we will accompany our leads on their journey through the funnel. A good newsletter, backed by a conscious email marketing strategy.

How to assign Leads that we capture on social networks

How to assign Leads that we capture on social networks. Companies often put a lot of effort into creating content for social networks to capture leads. However, then we do not work with all those potential clients that social media has brought us. We can automate the control of the leads that come to us from social networks. When the lead becomes part of our active BJ Leads database, a person is assigned to them. That is, from now on the lead will no longer speak with the brand, but with a person who will give them personalized attention.

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