Daily routines to achieve a powerful seller account on Amazon

Daily routines to achieve a powerful seller. I already started selling on Amazon once with dryers so I haven’t been. Therefore, a beginner like someone says. This does not take away from the fact that I still have a lot to learn. Last month we invoiced 14,000 euros. And we are hot on the heels of the month of December, which was the strongest to date, falling on Christmas. We could do better but we are doing well.


Right now I am exploring possibilities

Daily routines to achieve a powerful seller.  The one in Japan, by the way, we have just been able to . Therefore, activate it again. This seems to be executive data more of a process that depends more on luck than anything else. We’ll see if we can have the US one soon also active again. Well, what I was going for. Today I will give you a brief summary of daily tasks we perform to grow the business on Amazon . Upload new listings . This is nothing more than expanding the catalog. The more products the more you sell. The more likely you are to buy . Therefore, from you. Replenish inventory . We make practically daily shipments to Amazon fulfillment centers. 


Amazon screws up frequently

One thing they like to do is put together BJ Leads two listings that they think are the same product. They mess it up sometimes. The error is not always Amazon’s. Many times it is also your own and it is time to improve descriptions and/or add Research. Therefore, new products .  task that we have to do every day. 

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