Who had access to the data

Therefore, each entrepreneur is oblig under applicable law to, among others. Conducting business activities in accordance with the principles Who had access of fair competition. You can read about whether and what prohibitions on competition-restricting practices exist in this article. Prohibition on concluding anti-competitive agreements In the provisions of Art. Section of the Act of February , on competition and consumer protection. The legislator regulat the issue of the prohibition of concluding anti-competitive agreements. Pursuant to this provision, agreements whose purpose or effect is to eliminate.

Restrict or otherwise distort

Competition on the relevant market are prohibit, including in particular: determining, directly or indirectly, prices and other terms of purchase or sale of goods; limiting or controlling production or sale as well as technical progress or investments; division of sales or purchase philippines photo editor markets; the use of burdensome or non-uniform contract terms in similar contracts with third parties, creating different conditions of competition for these parties; making the conclusion of a contract conditional on the acceptance or performance by the other party of another performance that has no material or customary connection with the subject matter of the contract.

Limiting access to the market

Eeliminating from the market entrepreneurs not cover by the agreement; agreement by entrepreneurs participating in the tender or by these entrepreneurs and the entrepreneur organizing the tender on the terms of the submitt offers, in particular the scope of work BJ Leads or price. The case law indicates that the very linguistic interpretation of Art. section point of the Act on the Protection of Personal Data Protection Act indicates that agreements whose purpose or effect is to eliminate, restrict or otherwise distort competition on the relevant market are prohibit.

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