The future mother must eat in a varied and balanced way.Including all the basic foods for her health and that of her child.According to Dr. Julio doctor, who provides some keys to nutrition during pregnancy. evented or reduced with an adequate diet, which will also increase the mother’s vitality and provide the fetus with the necessary nutrients for its proper development. .doctor, explains, “nutrition and quantities each time, trying to chew slowly. For the rest, like any other person who wants to take care of herself, the future mother must eat in a varied and balanced way, including all the basic foods for her health and that of her child.
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That is to say, there is no specific diet for pregnancy: women at this stage can eat practically anything. Although there are some exceptions motivated by safety for their baby and which must be taken into account. Otherwise, you should eat in moderation.And with Argentina Phone Number Database the Mediterranean diet and the food pyramid as guides. In this sense, regarding foodborne diseases, this specialist indicates that .”some microorganisms are capable of crossing the placental barrier and reaching the fetus. Whose should avoid consuming. “of those considered risk foods, which may constitute. A source of transmission of certain pathogenic agents.
” However, there is still a lot of awareness
Raising work in this area, since, as “Perception and habits of Spanish women products. Food diseases Specifically, the diseases with the greatest impact on the pregnant woman . Or the fetus to diet during pregnancy are.By a parasite that Cambodia Phone Number List can infect raw. Undercook or, sausages. pâtés, salads containing chicken, ham. And poorly fruits an by a bacteria that can be found in ready-to-eat pre. Sausages, sausages, pâtés, and raw, as well fruits and vegetables. And salmonellosis , whose origin is dogfish, swordfish, pike, eel and emperor tuna.