Do my customers and other stakeholders really care about renewable energy?

In short, yes. Growing concerns over the economic and health impacts of climate change are leading to greater interest in corporate behavior on carbon reduction than ever before. Consider some recent examples. Amazon’s employees’ shareholder resolution on climate change. Although the resolution failed, it is certain to trigger a cascade of other employee actions inside companies that aren’t doing their part to reduce carbon emissions. Further research demonstrates that both Millennial employees and female employees are more likely to seek employment with a sustainable company. Investor action on climate.

What should we do now?

Corporate action on impacts to the common good. Shareholder group Climate Action 100+, with more than $32 trillion in assets, is motivating UAE WhatsApp Number Data climate action at some of the largest companies—including Shell. A 2018 research report from Nielsen shows that consumers prefer sustainable products. For instance, the report found that sustainably produced chocolate outpaced regular chocolate sales by a factor of x5. My company wants to move forward with an integrated sourcing strategy that includes renewable power. A good first step is to determine what you are trying to accomplish with your pursuit of renewable.

Do you want to save money?

Reduce your carbon footprint? Hedge against market volatility? Diversify your energy portfolio? Improve your reputation? Or maybe all five? Is there a good Brazil Email List source of market intelligence my company can use to gather information and learn more? Schneider Electric’s NEO Network is an ideal place to begin. The NEO Network is a growing global community of companies accelerating the transition to renewable energy. Within NEO Network’s online platform, companies find the tools, resources, and intelligence they need to set their strategy and make procurement decisions.

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