According to a review by the Sun Day Campaign of data just released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the agency has once again revised its three-year forecast for changes in the US electrical generating capacity mix. Sharp declines Data from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission are foreseen for fossil fuels and nuclear power while renewable energy (i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, wind) is forecast to experience even stronger growth than previously projected.
FERC’s latest monthly Energy
Infrastructure Update” report (with data through August 31, 2019) indicates that “proposed additions under construction” and “proposed New Zealand Telegram Number Data retirements” combined could result in a net decrease in the generating capacity of fossil fuels (i.e., coal, natural gas, oil) as well as a net decline of 4.56% in nuclear capacity by Data from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission August 2022. Meanwhile, led by wind and solar, the generating capacity of renewable energy sources is foreseen to grow by more than 47 gigawatts (GW). While net new natural gas generating capacity is projected to increase by 19,757 megawatts (MW), that is more than offset by a drop of 18,957 MW in coal’s net generating capacity and a decline of 3,016 MW in that of oil.
Further, nuclear power is foreseen
As dropping by 4,851 MW. Meanwhile, wind capacity is projected to grow by 27,659 MW and utility-scale solar by 17,857 MW. The other renewable Indonesia Telegram Number sources would also increase: hydropower by 1,282 MW, biomass by 333 MW, and geothermal by 280 MW. Collectively, they would add 47,411 MW over the next three years. That is significantly more than double the projected growth in natural gas generating capacity. In fact, net new wind capacity alone is greater than that of natural gas. The Sun Day Campaign notes that while earlier FERC data had.