The evaluation process can last several days and include the participation of a group of employees in special business games, exercises and tasks designe to encourage participants to demonstrate and use their competencies in simulate situations. The participants of the assessment center are monitore by a group of experts, they record the course of actions and reactions of participants to tasks, classify them and evaluate competencies base on this in the future. financialassessment Finassessment Finassessment is a service for a detaile analysis of the professional skills of financial specialists, create by experts from the Aktiv Financial Academy.
Unlike The Assessment Center
The person being teste to be personally present. It is a platform for assessing and confirming competencies, as well as a database of professional accounts with resumes to receive the best job offers. Includes tests for an objective assessment and confirmation of competencies online in the Argentina Email List following areas IFRS, accounting, taxation, management accounting, financial management, internal audit, etc. Allows you to enjoy a number of advantages including pass an objective qualification test confirm competencies determine the direction for further professional growth get interesting job offers.
The Financial Assessment Does Not Require
Using the service for accountants and auditors as individual specialists is free of charge. In the CSC, specialists who apply to them are offere to take an exam. This exam is paid, the frequency of its conduct depends on the spee of the group recruitment. It includes theoretical and practical tasks that BJ Leads are designe to determine the qualification level of a specialist and his compliance with the position held. Upon successful completion of the exam, the specialist receives a certificate of professional qualification.