The decision to issue a detective license

Republic of Poland if he is not a Polish or EU citizen decision. The recognition of professional qualifications acquir in European. Union Member States regarding the recognition of qualifications. The profession of detective if you train outside Poland document. Secondary education card or copy a declaration of the person applying for a license. That there are no criminal proceedings pending against him or her in cases involving fiscal

Confirming citizenship document confirming

offenses committ due to willful misconduct a declaration of the person applying for a license that he or she has not been dismiss for disciplinary reasons from the Police Border Guard State Protection Office army prosecutors office court or other public CFO Email Lists administration office in the Republic of Poland or another country in the last years a declaration of he or she has not been convict by a final court judgment of a crime or a fiscal offense committ intentionally declaration of full legal capacity certificate of no criminal record certificate of completion of training

C Level Contact List

The person applying for a license that

detective license example template can be found here two photos. After submitting all the documents the provincial police commander must contact the district or municipal Germany Telegram Number commander in your place of residence to issue an opinion he has days to do so.  is made by the provincial police commander. You will receive it within a month of submitting all necessary documents. You will also have to pay a license fee currently it is PLN . of the average monthly salary.

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